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Chess at the server for players of any qualification
08.09.2024 04:09:14
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Procedure of registration at the server :

  Registration at the server is necessary for an opportunity of participation in the competitions organized at our server; also for the opportunity to use a forum, a chat and other services of the server.

Warning! The registration requires applying only Latin symbols!


Login* :
Password* :
Repeat password * :
Surname* :
Name* :
Patronymic* :
Date of birth * :
Sex* :
Country* :
City * :
Contact e-mail * :
Verifying code -  Verifying code
Enter a verifying code :


Chort explanations concerning filling the data card :

Please, for registration on the server fill the data card offered to you on the left.

All fields in the form, obligatory for filling, are marked by an asterisk (*).

The login (nick) should have more than 3 symbols, and less than 21, it must consist only of Latin letters, digits and underlining symbols. Usage of spaces is forbidden. .

the Password should have more than 5 and less than 21 symbols and must consist only of Latin letters and/or digits. For greater safety we do not advise you to use for the password the registration data (surname, name, date of birth, etc.). It’s desirable to apply a case-sensitive password.

In case of successful registration we shall send you immediately a message with a code for confirmation of your registration on the e-mail specified by you in the data card.

You should not specify a reserve e-mail, but it is desirable.

The input of text info must be performed with Latin symbols, and in their English variant of spelling.

In case of wrong or incomplete filling of obligatory fields of the data card or when the Login chosen by you is already used, it will be offered to you to correct the registration data.


by Anatoliy Yenin © 2006-2024        
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